

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a text-based way of representing JavaScript object literals, arrays, and scalar data. It is language independent, self-describing, and plain text. It is a good solution for transferring data between systems because it is easy to read, write, and utilize.

CakePHP has built-in functions to serve data as JSON, making it trivial to allow access to data within an application or across the internet.


Behaviors are ways to enable the reuse of Model functions. For example, instead of adding our slug creation function into every model, which could be a lot of redundant code, we can create a Behavior to encapsulate the code and add the Behavior to our Model's initialize(), just like the Timestamp Behavior.


Seeders are way to put data immediately into your tables. All you need to do is populate an array, then use that array to create rows in your table. You can use this data as a test, or to put in actual data without having to type it in multiple times or enter it in a form.


Migrations are a method of coding your database schema for both table creation and change control tracking. They allow you build out your tables in code, and track updates to those tables, then use that code to create and update the database tables.


In CakePHP 2 there was a handy feature called "neighbors" where you could simply request the neighboring records (previous and next) for easy linking. This is not present since CakePHP 3, possibly due to the limited use of such a feature, however, with custom finders you can replicate the functionality yourself.