

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a text-based way of representing JavaScript object literals, arrays, and scalar data. It is language independent, self-describing, and plain text. It is a good solution for transferring data between systems because it is easy to read, write, and utilize.

CakePHP has built-in functions to serve data as JSON, making it trivial to allow access to data within an application or across the internet.


In CakePHP 2 there was a handy feature called "neighbors" where you could simply request the neighboring records (previous and next) for easy linking. This is not present since CakePHP 3, possibly due to the limited use of such a feature, however, with custom finders you can replicate the functionality yourself.

Table Relationships

When working with CakePHP it is important to remember "Convention over Configuration." If you start from the bottom, or back end, the database, and work your way forward correctly, CakePHP will do much of legwork for you, saving you tons of redundant and repetitive work.

If you don't, there are almost always ways to make things work the hard way. An example of this is the relationships between tables. If you name your database tables and fields following CakePHP convention, it becomes trivial to set up relationships between them.